Book Summary - Love Is the Killer App - How to Win Business and Influence Friends - By Tim Sanders

This book was written in 2002 before Google when Yahoo was the killer search engine. Tim Sanders was the Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo! The premise of this book is that those of us who use love as a point of differentiation in business will separate ourselves from our competitors just as world-class distance runners separate themselves from the rest of the pack trailing behind them. The term love here is the selfless promotion of the growth of others. Premise in plain English - "To Serve is to Rule"

3 Sander

Why is this important to me? Fear paralyzes people from taking action. Indecision and procrastination are two additional deadly sins of life. Think of any highly successful person and these three words will not enter your mind. Their ability to perform sets them apart. When you ponder the truly great people in history that made a lasting impact, you will find that they lead a life of service. Their purpose was bigger than them. People like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln. These people were not perfect and had very strong definite purposes in life. They lead a life of service and gave to the greater good. This book is about acting in kind to promote and help others.

3 Sander

This book is broken down into 4 sections and we covered the main point previously. I will highlight the additional three core parts outlined in the book.

1. Knowledge - Tim argues that "knowledge currency" is social currency on steroids. Accumulate as much knowledge as possible and share it with others. Help them help themselves and the people around them. This really is excellent advice. This is old advice and simply means that two heads are better than one. Napoleon Hill wrote a lot of information around the Master Mind group. Master Mind groups allow people to emulate and associate from the best people in any field. If you think about the Law of Reciprocation & Law of Compensation, then building up people with knowledge will come back to you. There is no better way to build a company then to gain knowledge and share it.

2. Network - Tim talks about the power of creating a network of contacts. He laid out a guideline for LinkedIn and Facebook with this book. Remember that this was written in 2002. The value of a network is equal to the square of the number members. Think about both Facebook and LinkedIn, we are only two levels away from 1,000,000 people. This is a very powerful concept that you need to understand. To impact these people, we have to have something to offer. This goes back to the knowledge we acquire.

3. Compassion - I am from Detroit and have worked on the Chrysler factory floor.

Back then, I can tell you that old school management did not follow the ideas outlined here. The late Mother Teresa said the greatest disease in the West is not tuberculosis or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. There is an old saying in the sales game - "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care". This is the basis of what Tim is talking about. There is a tremendous opportunity for your compassion to make a difference in how people view you, and how they view themselves.

Love is the Killer App is a good book based on fundamental principles and to summarize Emerson; "If you want more, then give more". In order to give more, you need to have true compassion and knowledge. With those two things you can build your network and help people.

Business is circular. Some people do not realize this. Think about the person who is always starting over or the person that takes the shady way to the quick buck. They never attain true success over time. Time is the great equalizer to truth. Bernie Madoff lived high on the hog for a long a while but it was time and greed that finally brought him down.

I hope you have found this short summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes habit. Habits form in as little as 21 days. One thing you can take away from this book is accumulate Knowledge. I am a big believer in this. Everything you ever needed to know already exists. Schedule a minimum of 15 minutes each day to feed your brain. You can use this book summary site to help you do that.

Book Summary - Love Is the Killer App - How to Win Business and Influence Friends - By Tim Sanders
3 Sander

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